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Monday, 8 November 2010

Manos Pirovolakis : 'Traditional music is full of wisdom'

Manos Pirovolakis is young, talented, fan of cretan traditional music and already once candidate for Eurovision contest in 2010. In his songs he combines modern and traditional sounds really successfully. However he never sings without his  cretan lyre. We met him and he talked to us about cretan traditional music and where are we in greek productions today. 
(Interview translated from Greek to English)

QYou have been grown up, while being affected by the cretan tradition. Is the cretan tradition so rich indeed?
A: Traditional music always contains ‘treasures’ and wisdom. What we listen today has been filtered through centuries. However, there is something unique and different in the cretan music. It can  bridge many different and multi-sided music styles. This has to do with the geographical position of Crete, which is surrounded by Europe in the north, by Asia in the east and by Africa in the south.

Q: How important is the cretan lyre for your career as a singer?
A: The cretan lyre is the past, the present and the future. I am a fan of this instrument and its potentials.

Q: Apart from being a singer you also write lyrics and you compose music. Is there something specific  that inspires you most of the times?
A: Everything can be inspiring for me. For example a story of yours, a friend’s story, even a fantastic story with a fantastic hero.

 Q: You have collaborated with many top artists so far. Some other greek singers would be really jealous of you! How do you feel about this?
A: I do all necessary paganistic and christian rituals to protect myself! Oh, no I’m joking. I am very glad for all these collaborations and most of them were really creative.

Q: You were candidate to represent Greece in Eurovision contest in 2010. Although your song ‘I kivotos tou Noe’ did not go to Eurovision, it became widely known and people liked it. Tell us your opinion about Eurovision.
A: Eurovision is a huge and crazy party. I am very glad that people liked my song and it is quite satisfactory for me and my team.

Q: How do you find greek songs nowdays?
A: There are good and bad songs nowdays. In general I would say that greek productions are not the best the last years.

Q: Any plans for a new cd within 2011?
A: I am under preparations for my new cd and hopefully it will be released until Christmas.

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