'With so much to see on the web, attention has become the new, gold standard...'

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Nicholas Brett: ''Magazines have still future''

Nicholas Brett in St Georges LT
Nicholas Brett, Deputy Managing Director and Editorial Director of BBC Magazines, came to Sheffield on Tuesday, 22 February and talked to the students of Journalism Studies about the editorial side of magazines. 

Although the future appears to be the digital form of magazines people still love buying and reading them. ''Magazines still have future'', he said, ''I love the feeling of touching a magazine''.

''Good Food'' is an example of  a BBC magazine that follows technological progress. Through i-Pad and  visualization of narrative it offers  a really good and modern product to the public.

The thing is what sort of editors do we need. We need people that can be flexible and can adopt technological challenges. Technology has contributed to visualization of narrative. We can find new versions of ''Good Food'' and ''Focus Magazine''  through i-Pad, which is quite revolutionary as a medium.

 New technological  information X 2
Media production and technology should collaborate.   Technological developments have opened new gates of presenting content (Social Media, i-Pad, etc). Statistics have shown that if Facebook was a country it would be the third biggest country in the world with 500.000.000 people, after China and India.

What should be remain the same is the skill of a journalist to tell a story well. As Mr Brett pointed out ''Whatever you do, do it with quality''. The four 'Ps' that a journalist needs to succeed in the world of magazine industry are: preparation, professionalism, passion and persistence.

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